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Alien Skin Exposure Revision 29205 (x86/x64)

Alien Skin Exposure Revision 29205 (x86/x64)

Alien Skin Exposure - теперь ваши фотографии будут выглядеть как ручная работа, а не сделанные на компьютере.

All the Creative Tools of the Film World
We explored the entire history of analog photography to bring back diverse tools, from discontinued films to dark room tricks, covering both color and black & white. These techniques give you new ways to think about your art, express yourself, and stand out from people using typical digital tools.

Exposure’s presets give you hundreds of starting points for developing complex styles. You’ll find nostalgic favorites like Kodachrome and Polaroid, plus obscure ones like Panatomic-X.

Nuances Matter
In a single Exposure preset, many small effects work together to achieve a coherent look. For instance, realistic grain clumps together and is stronger in the midtones. The results feel real, even when the effect is not intense. Some Exposure looks are so subtle that people won’t consciously realize you altered your photo.

To discover all the subtle details, our research included test shoots with films that were still available. For discontinued films we relied on photo archives and the professionals who created them. The anthropology of learning from film photographers was as important as the chemistry and math.

Develop Your Style
Exposure’s presets are beautiful and diverse, but they are just starting points for your own unique style. If you discover a preset that sparks an idea, it’s easy to mold it to fit your needs. Save your new look as a preset with a name, category, and even include notes. Later, you can apply it to a photo (or batches of photos) with a single click.

The Right Looks in a Flash
Choosing your look is the focus of Exposure, so the preset browser now uses thumbnails for a more visual experience. You can quickly filter by categories like Black & White or Color. Find specific looks with fast searching by name or description. In Exposure 6 you can tag your favorites so you can get back to them later. Your most recently applied effects are automatically remembered too.

Focus on What’s Important
Exposure’s updated user interface lets you work with fewer distractions. The darker theme helps you focus on your image and matches other tools in a professional workflow. The new Lightroom-style collapsible panels allow you to see only the controls you care about. Tools that get out of the way provide more space for your photo.

A World of Creative Textures
Exposure 6 has even more texture overlays that add creative details for vintage or Lo-Fi looks. You can now separately control light leaks, borders, and dust & scratches. The new randomize button helps you quickly explore similar textures.

Host Requirements
- Adobe Photoshop CS6 or newer
- Adobe Lightroom 5 or newer
- Apple Aperture 3 or later

Год: 2015
Язык: английский
Лекарство: присутствует
Размер: 217.53 MB

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