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Avenza MAPublisher 10.0 for Adobe Illustrator

Avenza MAPublisher 10.0 for Adobe Illustrator

MAPublisher — плагин для Adobe Illustrator, который является мощным средством создания карт высокого качества по ГИС-данным. Новая версия предоставляет пользователям расширенные возможности для создания карт высококачественного дизайна на основе GIS данных для их распространения в печатном или цифровом виде. В новой версии обеспечена поддержка Adobe Illustrator CS 2018, новой палитры MAP Views, системы символов и стилей Adobe Illustrator, а также операций импорта/экспорта новых форматов картографических данных. Плагин MAPublisher включает всю функциональность предыдущих выпусков: новые механизмы маркировки, новую сетку, генератор координат и ползунок масштабирования, расширенные фильтры для выбора.

Некоторые новые функции программы:

* Информация, поступающая с GPS-приемника, автоматически наносится и стилизуется на любой план в Adobe Illustrator.
* Возможен захват данных в реальном времени с GPS приемника по USB или Bluetooth.
* Улучшены фильтры выбора.
* Улучшены инструменты для соединения линий.
* Улучшен инструмент определения положения на карте.
* Подсветка объектов карты при выборе в окне атрибутов карты.
* Функция масштабирования картографических символов.
* Функция маркирования сеток UTM.
* Поддержка символов Unicode.
* Улучшение быстродействия.
* Улучшение легкости использования.

Finally, high-quality map production software that works. MAPublisher® cartography software seamlessly integrates over 40 GIS tools into the Adobe Illustrator environment to help you create maps the way you want, how you want. Import the most widely used GIS data formats, including those from ESRI, MapInfo, MicroStation, AutoCAD, Google and the U.S. Government. All GIS data attributes and geographic parameters are maintained, are fully accessible and editable. Export data in a wide variety of standard GIS formats and export documents to Geospatial PDF. Cartography is now faster, easier and better than it has ever been. When used together with Geographic Imager for Adobe Photoshop, they form the perfect vector/raster mapping package for the Adobe Creative Suite.

Export Adobe Illustrator documents with GIS data to interactive Flash maps, complete with callout bubbles, rollovers, layer control, pan and zoom controls, and with all the underlying GIS attributes intact. Export Flash maps without any additional coding or software requirements and embed them to any Web page

In MAPublisher create Adobe Acrobat PDF files containing coordinate system and attribute data from any MAPublisher document. Find locations, measure distances, perimeters and areas, add locations markers and more.

Directly import feature classes from ESRI Personal geodatabase (.mdb), File geodatabase (.gdf ) and ArcSDE servers. Use SQL queries and spatial filters to refine import. Requires ESRI software and a valid license installed and is only available on Windows.

MAPublisher® panels seamlessly integrate into the user interface and can be resized, moved, and docked just like native Adobe Illustrator panels.

Crop map documents only to the area of interest. Easily remove unwanted data while preserving attributes and styles. Perfect for creating inset maps.

The ability to place points onto a map is a fundamental part of cartography. Points can represent the locations of towns and cities, stores, airports, train stations and more. Instantly Description centroids and lat/long points onto any projected map in projected units, decimal degrees, or Degrees Minutes Seconds.

Import data from major GIS applications such as ArcGIS, MapInfo, MicroStation, Google and other GIS sources with all attributes and georeferencing intact and fully editable. Make vector and database edits, data edits, additions and save your changes to a variety of GIS data formats.

MAPublisher quickly and easily styles points, lines, areas and text. Specify rules in MAP Stylesheets to apply preset or custom symbols, graphic styles and character styles to artwork based on exisiting map attributes.

New Features of MAPublisher 10 for Adobe Illustrator

* Compatibility with Adobe Illustrator CS 2018 for both Mac and Windows
* New Line Plotter function to create polylines by entering coordinates or the distance and bearing values between points
* Import MAP Objects to copy MAP objects between documents, including Stylesheets and MAP Selections
* Enhanced MAP Selection functionality offering additional selection options including spatial, art and attribute
* New knockout function for easily creating knockouts for text objects
* Buffer Art function to create area objects around points and lines
* MAP Attribute Panel enhancements and optimizations
* New Layer Notes functionality to record information including original dataset path, format, co-ordinate system, object count and date
* Enhanced export to Geospatial PDF functionality now offers control over exported layers with attributes, ability to easily assign attribute values to be used as object names, item sort order and round-trip data control
* MAPublisher Spatial Database import system for ESRI geodatabases now included (Windows only)
* New MAPublisher Web Author javascript API functionality including various runtime operations
* New functionality to create MAP Views from Adobe Photoshop paths (Geographic Imager license required)
* Various other user interface improvements and performance enhancements to improve usability

В архиве также содержится документация по работе с программой.

Активация | Рег. код: Присутствует
Операционная система: Windows Win 7/Win 8/Win 8.1/Win 10
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Размер: 394 MB

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