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George - Character Animation DIY Kit - Project for After Effects (Videohive)

George - Character Animation DIY Kit - Project for After Effects (Videohive)

George - Character Animation DIY Kit - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS4 - CC 2015 | 1920x1080 | 19 September 16 | No plugins | 2.54GB

For After Effects CS4 and newer.
Works for 1080p and 720p projects. (the animations are in 1500?1500)
No plug-ins required.
Easily change the colors of the 3D character’s skin, hair, t-shirt, pants, shoes and the shadow opacity in all animations together with custom controls.
All animations can be combined with each other.
The accessories work smoothly with all animations.
It’s possible to use a few accessories simultaneously. (e.g. a cylinder hat with glasses and a tie.)
All colors of the accessories can be changed. (e.g. change the police hat body, eye-shade and shiny element separately)
On the badge and sign you can add your logo, text or image.
Full control over the idle time. (e.g. control how long the character stays with his hands crossed or how long a text is presented on the board)
Unlimited number of placeholders in the animations where the character is showing content on the board and catching texts. You can add texts and images inside the placeholders (videos are not supported).
Speech bubble and thinking bubble animations are included.
Video tutorials and example scenes included.
PDF Documentation included.

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